Lugar epistemológico del Sistema Terapéutico de Edward Bach (Flores de Bach) dentro de la Psicología



Some of the issues which make possible to include the Bach Flowers Remedies (BFR)
therapeutical system as a complementary tool in psychotherapy are exposed in this paper. In
order to this goal, we examine the following topics: a) the value of BFR as a placebo thought
the analyses of previous scientific trials; b) their pertinence as analogical patterns of
psychological experience; c) their therapeutic effect by catalyzing the consultant’s change
intention. Al last, d) we propose the phenomenological method for further studies about the
BFR’s therapeutic effects. We conclude that BFR have a place within Psychology field of
diagnosis via the symbolic value of analogical patterns, just as within the Therapeutae field
making easier the change course.
Kee words: Bach Flowers Remedies (BFR), psychotherapy, diagnosis, change, epistemology


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