Tratamiento Complementario del Trastorno de Asperger con Esencias Florales de Bach (BFR). Un estudio de caso.




A case study is exposed, in which a patient diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome was treated
with Bach Flowers Remedies (BFR) in a complementary way to conventional psychiatric
scheme. A monthly adjusted BFR formula was provided for four months, considering the
report of the patient and his mother, as well as the human body test. The treatment allowed a
positive evolution the range of interest and the academic skills. A personal experience of joy
is highlighted, associated to the floral essence Water Violet, which allowed him to adventure
into the previously seen conduct paths. It’s concluded that the intervention was efficient on
the complementary treatment of change in affective and cognitive fields, especially because
to strengthen the ego.
Kee words: Asperger, BFR (Bach Flowers Remedies), CAM (Complementary and Alternative


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